Monday, May 17, 2010


365 minus 13 days. That is how long it has been since I have written anything. So much has gone on, there is not point in typing it all b/c that is not why I am here. Today marks the first day of the rest of my new lifestyle. Todd and I have started to follow Sparkpeople. I'm excited and nervous for this big change. I always thought I would eventually lose this baby weight (well that's what I'M chalking it up to be) but never thought I had to do anything. I dont really have the time to hash out the reasons we want to do this. If you know us I'm sure u have seen our crazy kids and our life. We want to be more than just standing on the sidelines for them. We want to be in the game.

Quick Oats 2 cups
2 TBS milk (to make it not so paste like)
2 TBS sugar (to make it not TASTE so paste like.)
one sliced banana
485 (according to SP)

*disclaimer: I will be sharing this meal with a 1 yr old and 4 yr old so I dont think 2 cups will be to actual amount I will eat but I am putting this in here so I can overestimate. Its always better to be OVER when it comes to assuming food consumption. Eventually you will eat those extra calories. Im not gonna kid myself. I will eventually need some caffeine. And a Mickey D's small coffee might be calling my name someday. With 1 cream and 4 sugar.

I wont type in my lunch or dinner until I have eaten them, nor will I type in my exercise until I do it. I'm not going to get ahead of myself.