Yesterday after work i decided to make meatloaf and mashed potatoes etc. for dinner. So i hurry up and made everything. Then got the meatloaf in the oven and started on loading the dishwasher. After that task i proceeded to wash the large pans that didn't fit in the dishwasher. During this time I suddenly felt like my stomach was trying to do crunches. I dropped my dish brush and "hummed" to myself. Not like hum singing but hum like hummmm what is that? It went away after a min. So i continued with the large skillet in my sink. But then again it came back. This time worse and harder. HUM. These aren't contractions....are they? I seriously couldn't remember if they were or not. With Gavin the only contractions i had were with Pitocin at the hospital so didn't have anything to compare these to. Ok i thought just let me finish the dishes, then clean up around the kitchen while the meatloaf cooks. Well i tried to do this but every so often i felt my stomach and whole "frontal" region tighten. At one point i even had to do a breathing countdown exercise to calm myself down. No no no. This isn't right. So i went at diagnosed myself via the Internet. Braxton Hicks i concluded. As long as I had no back pain and the contractions weren't becoming constant and harder or closer than 12 mins apart everything was fine. But really it wasn't. I never had any inkling of natural labor with Gavin. After being put on Pitocin i was doing things natural but the contractions were Pitocin induced. Now this was weird for me. I feel like my body is ready for this next one. "We are on red alert. Go forth and conquer this baby thing....wait WAIT no no not just yet. She needs another 3 months to snuggle and get big and strong. But im ready." Whew if my body is so ready to take this baby on then why isn't my mind yet? I need to get reading my NCB books and water birthing articles. Oh and schedule my birthing classes. Oh and the sibling class, or and a hospital tour. Shot and finalize my birthing plan. But as im doing all this and working 40 hrs a week AND still playing full time mom and wife, my body needs to rest so these Braxton Hicks don't staring turning into real contractions. Rest? I can barely spell that. The only rest i get is Blogger. And even then my FINGERS get tired. Shesh.

I like the first picture you added! How perfect for your blog! I love when i find the perfect pic!!!
okay, thanks to your post, i have butt pain...
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