*************this was made yesterday***************

*************this was made yesterday***************
Posted by Rkn Mum of 1..2..3..more? at 10:48 AM 0 comments
*I have been researching doulas like its the hottest thing around latley and have decided to email every doula in the Dayton area and tell them my story. Todd and I really cant afford one so im hoping that this letter with empower a doula to help us for little or no cost!!*
my name is Lizz and I found your information on Doula Network. After reading your listing I was interesting in speaking with you.
I am a mother one and step mother of another. I was born and raised in Cincinnati. I had my first son at University hospital. I was induced after being late 4 days. I knew even before becoming pregnant that I wanted little or no medical intervention. Unfortunately I was put on Pitocin after my cervix had not softened after 12 hours. After having Pitocin my contractions became very hard and rapid. My sons father was there the whole time helping me get through the pain. After hours of hard contractions I finally gave in to systemic pain medication. After 21 hours of labor I finally had my baby boy. Almost immediately after the midwife put him on my chest I began to shake. I had to have someone else hold my newborn son until I stopped shaking. I couldn’t believe that after all that hard work I couldn’t even enjoy the first moments with my son. It was heartbreaking. I vowed that the next child I gave birth to would be completely natural (as much as possible if no complications). I wanted to be there completely for my child.
Now after three years I have gotten married and started my life long journey. My first sons’ father sadly died in a horrific car accident 2 months after he was born and I never thought I would be where I am today. I met my husband through my sons father and we connected on so many levels it still amazes me to this day. We found out shortly before our wedding that we had already started on a new addition to the family. Now 7 months later we are expecting and beautiful baby girl (the first girl!!). We are expecting her arrival around April 6th and watching anxiously as the days get closer and closer. Like I mentioned earlier with my first son, I had a midwife. I felt that all midwifes felt strongly as I did concerning natural birth. I now know this not to be true. It is up to me and my partner completely. When deciding on my way of birth for this little one, I was drawn to water birthing. My husband is nervous for me to have an at home water birth so I will be giving birth at Good Samaritan Hospital at the birthing center. After researching immensely on water birthing, I came across doulas. I knew what the word meant but couldn’t define it for the life of me. Now after researching Doulas, I have decided that having one at my daughter’s birth would be a tremendous help, not only for me but also for my husband. We both have had pervious children with others and want to make this one special and completely about our communication in stressful times. His previous son was delivered emergency C-section and I have already described my first experience. I want to be able to show my husband and I that pregnancy is not an illness, Labor is not an emergency, and birth is not a medical procedure. I believe in all of this and hope that with a chance to seek out the right doula for us, we can withhold our beliefs
Thank you, Lizz Arnett
Posted by Rkn Mum of 1..2..3..more? at 12:37 AM 1 comments
Even after work everyday, this is what i live for. After standing for 7 hours, moving stupid clothes around and helping helpless customers...my life is satisfied. I could have such an exhausting day but this makes it all worthwhile. I cant wait to raise a daughter from scratch with this man.
...And then the greatest end.....
Posted by Rkn Mum of 1..2..3..more? at 10:32 PM 0 comments
Posted by Rkn Mum of 1..2..3..more? at 10:08 PM 2 comments
Posted by Rkn Mum of 1..2..3..more? at 10:11 PM 1 comments
Posted by Rkn Mum of 1..2..3..more? at 2:03 PM 1 comments
And i think after looking at both pictures i am prolly gona go with the first monkey set. I could get cheap sheer purple cutains and kinda make it more purple with odds and end things. Ok so now im excited for this... Now all i need is money......Anyone have any trees? Or Emily do u have any to give out?
Posted by Rkn Mum of 1..2..3..more? at 11:17 PM 1 comments