6 places in 48 hours. I don't know how we did it but we did...again. Cincinnati, New Lebanon. Sleep. Ho Ho comes. home presents. Cincinnati brunch, Cincinnati somewhere else, Cincinnati somewhere else again, then dinner in Eaton. Whew. 4 hours of sleep for the past three days. Yet plenty of food and family.
The toys for the kids were easy this year. "Guys" as the kids call it or "action figures" as adults know them. Its the easiest present to open. All u need is scissors...oh and wire cutters...and 4 hours to untwist all those friggin twisty ties!! Then trying to figure out how to make each figure "spring into action" Like which arm to press so his leg kicks and what part of his stomach to push so he growls or speaks. Argh... At least they only received one toy which had many little parts. And a Tool Bench is pretty cool for the boys. But I think my favorite toy they got was the Smart Cycle. Yes yes i know some may thing it is the easy way out of exercise for the kids but during the winter its hard enough to keep noses clean without watching them run around outside in coats and gloves and hats etc... Plus im pumped about it b/c hopefully this will make them want to ride their bike as soon as it gets warm enough outside. p.s. it looks like a really cool toy. Todd and I both realized this year that spending obscene amounts of money on each other this year was out of the question. But we both still got each other little things that made the 25th special. And Todd still manged to get me a present that made me cry. Stupid boys/boyfriends/husbands. (but God what would we do without them!!)
**sidebar... i cant believe my house is 73 degrees and we have a window and front door open!! To bad it is supposed to snow tomorrow. **

Now on to New Years. This year we have decided to celebrate in style. Preggo wife, over worked dad, and two crazy kids running around. Oh and finger food. Lots and lots o' finger food. I wont forget Skyline Dip and maybe sum wieners in bbq sauce. Oh and maybe i will find a recipe for those tiny wieners in the crescent rolls. Pizza Rolls are a must. Gavin has decided that whenever i ask him what he wants for dinner he yells "pizza rolls mommy!!" and the strange thing is, he doesnt ever really eat them!! I need to think of some fun finger food but at this moment i am too tired to think that hard.
**another sidebar.. i cant believe i will be 7 months pregnant by the end of January. whew..its almost over yet i feel i need to prepare so much more**
Ok so my mind has gone to sleep. Its done. My body is following. Straight into the bedroom.
jzsdldkvnjs...wait does this comment thing work now?
haha. I love that you left a comment on your own thing. here goes the comment i was going to leave earlier- what did todd buy that made you cry?
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