Name: Lizz
Birthdate: 09-08-84
Current Age: 24
Height: 5'7"
Weight before pregnancy: um twenty pounds more than now
Current Weight: twenty pounds less than before getting preggers (its the greatest diet plan for me so my midwife says!)
Partner's Name: Todd
Partner's Birthdate: 11-6-83
Partner's Age: 25
Partner's Height: 6'0''
Partner's Weight before pregnancy: beefy
Partner's Current Weight: still beefy
When did you find out your were pregnant? Umm beginning of September
Who did you tell first about the pregnancy? Todd, only b/c he knew i was in the bathroom taking a test and i replied to the two lines with "yea right"
Date of Conception? somewhere around Lindz wedding
Due Date? April 6th
Was the pregnancy planned? well we knew we wanted another one right away but i wasnt planning on THAT fast!
How did your parents react? Umm both my parents were meh but happy... my sisters were ok with it as long as they got their niece
How did your partner's parents react? Todd's mom cryed and his dad just said congratulations
Did you go to the doctor yet?hell yes im 7 months almost
Did you have your first ultrasound? yep thats when we found out we were 7 weeks & 4 days
Do you know the sex? yes
Boy or Girl? Girl...or so they say, the ultrasound tech was very descriptive when saying "and there are the vagina lips" Which Todd replied in the car afterward "i did not feel comfortable about her talking about my daughters vagina lips"
How is the baby's movement? she kicks whenever i lay down or sit in this computer chair
How is the baby's heartbeat? nice and steady
Baby's name? Marianna Gaia...we think
Who do you think the baby will look like? pale and chubby like Todd and I
Mom to be's favorite foods? pasta
Mom to be's latest cravings? Cereal
Mom to be's latest "mom" moment? every day when i get my other kids up for the day
What was the first change you noticed in your body? my tear ducts worked really well
What was the latest change in your body? my protruding belly
What is your sleep schedule? starting around midnight every 45 mins when i then wake up and hit Todd b/c he is snoring so loud
What is your work schedule? anywhere between 32 and 40 hrs...anywhere from 9 am to 10pm
What is the last thing you bought for the baby? umm nothing yet...i prolly should
What was the last thing you bought for yourself? coffee
Planned birth place? Good Sam hospital in a birthing room
Are you scared? maybe a little for the actually active labor considering i want to do a water birth
Are you going to use drugs? negatory
How do you think you will react? i will prolly cry
How do you think your partner will react? happy and cry too
Have you started birthing classes? no but i will be soon
What is the nursery theme? i dont know yet
Are you going to breastfeed? Of course
Monday, December 29, 2008
im a survey copier
Posted by Rkn Mum of 1..2..3..more? at 8:32 PM 0 comments
Copy and Paste *belly buttons are funny*
If your belly button used to be an "innie," be prepared for a change. Why your navel "pops" and what to know about it. What it is: The "popping" out of the belly button in the second trimester. What causes it: Your rapidly expanding uterus pushes your abdomen forward, making your belly button pop out like the timer on a well-cooked turkey. What you need to know about it: It might not be fashionable with anyone but the pregnant set (its de rigueur in expectant circles), but you can expect your navel to start poking its way through your clothes around the end of the second trimester. (Thanks to hormones, your nipples might be doing the same!) Like so many other symptoms of pregnancy, a popped-out belly button is both harmless and inevitable, whether you were sporting an innie or an outie to begin with.
Posted by Rkn Mum of 1..2..3..more? at 12:39 PM 2 comments
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Naked Belly Pics
Posted by Rkn Mum of 1..2..3..more? at 11:08 PM 0 comments
My teary eyed Christmas Present

Posted by Rkn Mum of 1..2..3..more? at 10:11 PM 1 comments
I Fixed It!!!
I fixed the comment thingy. Thanx to Emily it was brought to my attention that no one could leave comments! So i changed the template thinking the code omitted the comment allower..<--- (im sry if that didnt make sense to u but it did to me) And now it works. Im so glad people wanted to leave comments!! lol I know my life is far from extraordinary yet i still like to hear peoples thoughts... so comment away all you blogger junkies!!
....p.s..... Thanx again Emily....It must be mothers intuition to know how much i wanted to see comments on my new blogs!! ;)
Posted by Rkn Mum of 1..2..3..more? at 8:55 PM 2 comments
Friday, December 26, 2008
Quality Family Time, New Dishwasher, Two GPS's
6 places in 48 hours. I don't know how we did it but we did...again. Cincinnati, New Lebanon. Sleep. Ho Ho comes. home presents. Cincinnati brunch, Cincinnati somewhere else, Cincinnati somewhere else again, then dinner in Eaton. Whew. 4 hours of sleep for the past three days. Yet plenty of food and family.
The toys for the kids were easy this year. "Guys" as the kids call it or "action figures" as adults know them. Its the easiest present to open. All u need is scissors...oh and wire cutters...and 4 hours to untwist all those friggin twisty ties!! Then trying to figure out how to make each figure "spring into action" Like which arm to press so his leg kicks and what part of his stomach to push so he growls or speaks. Argh... At least they only received one toy which had many little parts. And a Tool Bench is pretty cool for the boys. But I think my favorite toy they got was the Smart Cycle. Yes yes i know some may thing it is the easy way out of exercise for the kids but during the winter its hard enough to keep noses clean without watching them run around outside in coats and gloves and hats etc... Plus im pumped about it b/c hopefully this will make them want to ride their bike as soon as it gets warm enough outside. p.s. it looks like a really cool toy. Todd and I both realized this year that spending obscene amounts of money on each other this year was out of the question. But we both still got each other little things that made the 25th special. And Todd still manged to get me a present that made me cry. Stupid boys/boyfriends/husbands. (but God what would we do without them!!)
**sidebar... i cant believe my house is 73 degrees and we have a window and front door open!! To bad it is supposed to snow tomorrow. **

Now on to New Years. This year we have decided to celebrate in style. Preggo wife, over worked dad, and two crazy kids running around. Oh and finger food. Lots and lots o' finger food. I wont forget Skyline Dip and maybe sum wieners in bbq sauce. Oh and maybe i will find a recipe for those tiny wieners in the crescent rolls. Pizza Rolls are a must. Gavin has decided that whenever i ask him what he wants for dinner he yells "pizza rolls mommy!!" and the strange thing is, he doesnt ever really eat them!! I need to think of some fun finger food but at this moment i am too tired to think that hard.
**another sidebar.. i cant believe i will be 7 months pregnant by the end of January. whew..its almost over yet i feel i need to prepare so much more**
Ok so my mind has gone to sleep. Its done. My body is following. Straight into the bedroom.
Posted by Rkn Mum of 1..2..3..more? at 10:16 AM 2 comments
Monday, December 22, 2008
The New Baby Boom
Babies, babies everywhere....well not just quite yet. But everyone is pregnant or trying. It will be the next craze. From tiny dogs in tiny purses to tiny babies in mommy bellys. I think it has to do with the extra great economy we have right now. People cant afford to go out. So they tend to stay home. And spend time with the ones they need 2 spend time with. And people realize what they already have...without having to spend a dime. Relationships are put to the test. Anger and Love rises more now than ever. Fortunatley people are choosing Love. To love one another and have the desire to love a future being. There might be mistakes or unplanned "love" but people are caring more about themselves and the love they create. Finacially people may be struggling but not emotionally.
Posted by Rkn Mum of 1..2..3..more? at 11:38 AM 0 comments
These curtains match well. Theres not too much pink either. Not that im scared of pink i guess its just still hard for me to believe it's a girl. Im happy no matter what. I guess rasing a girl has me frightened. I want to be sure i do it right. Boys make sense to me. When i was growing up girls never made sense to me. It was always about the opposite of what i thought was right.
Here's some pink. It's called "bubbles" Ha.. reminds me of the conversation i had with Emily about feeling "bubbles". I feel like i can get a start on new baby stuff after the holiday. I hope i will. Im not lazy about it i just want more time. Time to figure out how much effort i want to put into her room. I want it to look great no matter if its all decked out or if its just little odds n' ends. Im sure it will all slide together right before she arrives.

I can make pretty things. Girly things. Ever since i've moved to this country town, i see more things that are "womanly" in me. I love to cook for the family. It doesnt matter if its the wifely duty or whatever the next male shovenist calls it. It has become a passion i have fallen in love with. And this idea we have been toying around with for awhile about me staying home after Marianna (see?) is born i am getting used to. I know financially it makes sense, but somewhere in the back of my mind i dont want to lose my working girl self. I have ambition when it comes to succeding at what i do. Being a hands on mother will just become another successful thing i do. Yet this one will stick around for 70 or 80 years.
Becoming full time cook and cleaner has me hesitant for the future. I could say i dont want to do it because in my younger years i was forced to do it. *Why eat green beans u hate when they were forced down your throat at age 5? * But if i look at it as my job i may have the same ambition i have for my current job. Plus the greatest bonus i would get is seeing my kids from the moment they open my eyes to the moment their heads fall on the pillow. Being organzied i have realized will be the most important thing in this life changing event. Which is something i have never achieved.
Having Todd as my other half has never been so grand. No matter what is said or done, his last thoughts are about our family and the rest of our existance. I hate how so many usless things squeeze into our lives and make it rough.
*Don't you wanna make me feel like I'm a thousand stories high. Don't you wanna make me feel I'll never fail I'll never die. Don't you wanna set me free we'll overwrite the history. Turn to find our destiny and never turn away*
-Dan Wilson
Posted by Rkn Mum of 1..2..3..more? at 12:39 AM 1 comments